Section: New Results

Automatic Speech Recognition

Participants : Sébastien Demange, Dominique Fohr, Christian Gillot, Jean-Paul Haton, Irina Illina, Denis Jouvet, Odile Mella, Luiza Orosanu, Othman Lachhab.

telecommunications, stochastic models, acoustic models, language models, automatic speech recognition, training, robustness

Core recognition

Broadcast News Transcription

A complete speech transcription system, named ANTS (see section 5.6 ), was initially developed in the framework of the Technolangue evaluation campaign ESTER for French broadcast news transcription. This year, in the context of the ETAPE evaluation campaign about transcription of radio and TV debates, the speech transcription system was improved. Large amounts of text data have been collected over the web. This new collected web data, plus new text and speech resources have made possible the creation and training of new acoustic models and new language models. Moreover new processing steps have been included in the transcription system, leading to much better performance than with the initial system. Several system variants have been developed, and for the ETAPE evaluation campaign, their results have been combined.

Extensions of the ANTS system have been studied, including the possibility to use the sphinx recognizers, and unsupervised adaptation processes. Training scripts for building acoustic models for the Sphinx recognizers are now available and take benefit of parallel computations on the computer cluster for a rapid optimization of the model parameters The Sphinx models are also used for speech/text alignment on both French and English speech data. A new speech transcription program has been developed for efficient decoding on the computer cluster, and easy modification of the decoding steps (speaker segmentation and clustering, data classification, speech decoding in one or several passes, ...). It handles both the Julius and Sphinx (versions 3 and 4) decoders.

This year, in the context of the ETAPE evaluation campaign, which deals with the transcription of radio and TV shows, mainly debates, the Julius-based and Sphinx-based transcription systems have been improved. Several system variants have been developed (relying on different features, and/or different normalization schemes, different processing steps, and different unsupervised adaptation processes); and, combining the output of the various systems led to significantly improved performance.

The recently proposed approach to grapheme-to-phoneme conversion based on a probabilistic method: Conditional Random Fields (CRF) was investigated further. CRF gives a long term prediction, and assumes a relaxed state independence condition. The proposed system was validated in a speech recognition context. Our approach compared favorably with the performance of the state-of-the-art Joint-Multigram Models (JMM) for the quality of the pronunciations, and it was also shown that combining the pronunciation variants generated by both the CRF-based and the JMM-based apporaches improves performance [21] .

Concerning grapheme-to-phoneme conversion, a special attention was paid to infering the pronunciation variants of proper names [34] , and the usage of additional information corresponding to the language origin of the proper name was investigated.

Non-native speakers

The performance of automatic speech recognition (ASR) systems drastically drops with non native speech. The main aim of non-native enhancement of ASRs is to make available systems tolerant to pronunciation variants by integrating some extra knowledge (dialects, accents or non-native variants).

Our approach is based on acoustic model transformation and pronunciation modeling for multiple non-native accents. For acoustic model transformation, two approaches are evaluated: MAP and model re-estimation. For pronunciation modeling, confusion rules (alternate pronunciations) are automatically extracted from a small non-native speech corpus. We presents [9] a novel approach to introduce confusion rules in the recognition system which are automatically learned through pronunciation modelling. The modified HMM of a foreign spoken language phoneme includes its canonical pronunciation along with all the alternate non-native pronunciations, so that spoken language phonemes pronounced correctly by a non-native speaker could be recognized. We evaluate our approaches on the European project HIWIRE non-native corpus which contains English sentences pronunced by French, Italian, Greek and Spanish speakers. Two cases are studied: the native language of the test speaker is either known or unknown. Our approach gives better recognition results than the classical acoustic adaptation of HMM when the foreign origin of the speaker is known. We obtain 22% WER reduction compared to the reference system.

Language Model

Christian Gillot has defended his Ph.D. thesis on the 17th September 2012. In his thesis, he proposes a new approach to estimate the language model probabilities for an automatic speech recognition system. The most commonly used language models in the state of the art are based on n-grams smoothed with Kneser-Ney method. Such models make use of occurrence counts of words sequences up to a maximum length (typically 5 words). These counts are computed on a huge training corpus. Christian's Ph.D. thesis starts by an empirical study of the errors of a state-of-the-art speech recognition system in French, which shows that there are many regular language phenomena that are out of reach of the n-gram models. This thesis thus explores a dual approach of the prevailing statistical paradigm by using memory models that process efficiently specific phenomena, in synergy with the n-gram models which efficiently capture the main trends in the corpus. The notion of similarity between long n-grams is studied in order to identify the relevant contexts to take into account in a first similarity language model. The data extracted from the corpus is combined via a Gaussian kernel to compute a new score. The integration of this non-probabilistic model improves the performance of a recognition system. A second model is then introduced, which is probabilistic and thus allows for a better integration of the similarity approach with the existing models. This second model improves the performance on texts in terms of perplexity. Some future works are further described, where the memory-based paradigm is transposed from the estimation of the n-gram probability up to the language model itself. The principle is to combine individual models together, where each model represents a specific syntactic structure, and also to combine these specific models with a standard n-gram model. The objective is to let specific models compensate for some weaknesses of n-gram models, which cannot capture sparse and rare phenomena, nor patterns that do not occur at all in the the training corpus. This approach hence opens new interesting perspectives in particular for domain adaptation.

Speech recognition for interaction in virtual worlds

Automatic speech recognition was investigated for vocal interaction in virtual worlds, in the context of serious games in the EMOSPEECH project. For training the language models, the text dialogs recorded by the TALARIS team (Midiki corpus) on the same serious game (but in a text-based interaction), have been manually corrected and used on addition of available broadcast news corpus. Different language models have then been created using different vocabulary sizes. The acoustic models were adapted from the radio broadcast news models, using state-of-the-art Maximum A Posteriori adaptation algorithm. This reduces the mismatch in recording conditions between the game devices and the original models trained on radio streams. A client-server speech recognition demonstrator has been developed. The client runs on an iPad; it records the speech input, sends it to the server, waits for the speech recognition answer, and finally displays the results. The server runs on a PC, relies on the sphinx4 decoder for decoding the received speech signal, and then sends the results to the iPad client.

Speech recognition modeling

Robustness of speech recognition to multiple sources of speech variability is one of the most difficult challenge that limits the development of speech recognition technologies. We are actively contributing to this area via the development of the following advanced modeling approaches.

Detailed modeling

Detailed acoustic modeling was further investigated using automatic classification of speaker data. With such an approach it is possible to go beyond the traditional four class models (male vs female, studio quality vs telephone quality). However, as the amount of training data for each class gets smaller when the number of classes increases, this limits the amount of classes that can efficiently be trained. Hence, we have investigated introducing a classification marging in the classification process. With such a marging, which handle boundary classification uncertainty, speech data at the class-boundary may belong to several classes. This increases the amount of training data in each class, which makes the class acoustic model parameters more reliable, and finally improved the overall recognition performance [22] . Combining maximum likelihood linear regression (MLLR) and maximum a posteriori (MAP) adaptation techniques leads to better speech recognition performance, and makes it possible to use more classes [35] .

The approach was later improved by introducing a classification process which relies on phonetic acoustic models and the Kullback Leibler divergence measure to build maximally dissimilar clusters. This approach lead to better recognition results than the likelihood based classification approach used in previous experiments [20] .

These class-based speech recognition systems were combined with more traditional gender-based system in the ETAPE campaign for the evaluation of speech transcription systems on French radio and TV shows.

Training HMM acouctic models

At the beginning of his second internship at Inria Nancy research laboratory, Othman Lachhab focused on the finalization of a speech recognition system based on context-independent HMMs models, using bigram probabilities for the phonotactic constraints and a model of duration following a normal distribution 𝒩(μ,σ 2 ) incorporated directly in the Viterbi search process. Currently, he built a reference system for speaker-independent continuous phone recognition using Context- Independent Continuous Density HMM (CI-CDHMM) modeled by Gaussian Mixture Models (GMMs). In this system he developed his own training technique, based on a statistical algorithm estimating the classical optimal parameters. This new training process compares favorably with already published HMM technology on the same test corpus (TIMIT) and has been published in the ICMCS 2012 conference [23] .

Speech/text alignment

Evaluation of speech/text alignment tools

Speech-text alignment tools are frequently used in speech technology and research: for instance, for training or assessing of speech recognition systems, the extraction of speech units in speech synthesis or in foreign language learning. We designed the software CoALT (Comparing Automatic Labelling Tools) for comparing two automatic labellers or two speech-text alignment tools, ranking them, and displaying statistics about their differences.

The main feature of CoALT is that a user can define its own criteria for evaluating and comparing the speech-text alignment tools since the required quality for labelling depends on the targeted application. Beyond ranking, our tool provides useful statistics for each labeller and above all about their differences and can emphasize the drawbacks and advantages of each labeller. We have applied our software for the French and English languages [19] but it can be used for another language by simply defining the list of the phonetic symbols and optionally a set of phonetic rules.

Alignment with non-native speech

Non-native speech alignment with text is one critical step in computer assisted foreign language learning. The alignement is necessary to analyze the learner's utterance, in view of providing some prosody feedback (as for example bad duration of some syllables - too short or too long -). However, non-native speech alignement with text is much more complicated than native speech alignment. This is due to the pronunciation deviations observed on non-native speech, as for example the replacement of some target language phonemes by phonemes of the mother tongue, as well as errors in the pronunciations. Moreover, these pronunciation deviations are strongly speaker dependent (i.e. they depend on the mother tongue of the speaker, and on its fluency in the target foreign lanaguage) which makes their prediction difficult.

However, the first step in automatic computer assisted language learning is to check that the pronunced word or utterance corresponds to the expected sentence, otherwise, if the user has not pronunced the correct words it is useless to proceed further with a detailed analysis of the pronunciation to check for possible misspronunciations. In order to decide if the pronunced utterance corresponds to the expected word or sentence, a force phonetic alignment of the sentence is compared to free decoding of the same sentence. Several comparison features are then defined, such as the number of matching phonemes, the percentage of frames having the save category label, ..., as well as the likelihood ratio. A classifier is then used to decide whether text and speech utterance match or not [36] , [28] .

These non-native phonetic alignments processes developed in the framework of the ALLEGRO project are currently under implementation in the JSNOORI software, and the processing should be completed by the developpement of automatic feedback procedures.